Add 5 New Members to Your Team in 30-Days, and Feel Amazing About HOW You Do it.

You got into network marketing not just to earn a living, but because you believe deeply in the product or opportunity. It’s changed your life and you want that same impact for others. So, you go out and tell them about it. A lot. 

But, you learn pretty quickly, your excitement often lands on deaf ears. Worse, the moment people realize its network marketing, they run screaming in the other direction, having bought into the negative perception of the “industry.”

You feel like you’re sitting on something that you know can change so many people’s lives in so many ways, but just can’t get people to listen, let alone understand its potential. 

No matter how hard you try, you can’t get anyone to take it (or you) seriously. You cannot get them to understand how they can bring income, freedom and possibility into their lives. Pretty quickly, excitement turns to frustration, then anger, then sadness. 

Here’s the thing, though…

If you aren’t creating the income or creating the team you want in your business,


And, it’s also not your fault. 

You may have been given a script, haven’t we all. Truth is, these rarely ever work, and they make you feel big-time awkward. And, of course, they would, because they’re not you, your words or your voice. 

Or you may have been left to figure it out on your own, which is a bit like getting a new job, showing up the first day and being told, “welcome, you’re being paid on 100% commission, go figure out what to do.” Madness, right? 

These are brutally hard and rarely successful ways to become effective at conversations that truly change people’s minds.

Thankfully, there is a radically different way

What if you knew the one question you could ask that would tell you enough about your prospects personality that you knew how long or short the appointment needed to be, ensure they’d show up, know what kind of information was most important to them and what motivated them. Imagine entering every conversation knowing exactly what to say and do in order to light that same fire in others

Imagine having this kind of conversation and adding 5 new team members a month consistently.

How would that change your business, your income, and your life? What would it allow you to do, have and become as a business leader and in your life?

Well, I’ll tell you how it changed mine…

I was able to grow a sales and leadership team from ground up that was ranked in the top 2% of sales for a multibillion-dollar direct sales company. And, I kept it at that level for years, spending more than 20 years in the business.

Upon retiring from this direct sales company in 2009, I founded Step Into Great, a business coaching company that helps entrepreneurs get to the next level of their company’s growth. And helped many Direct Sales and Network Marketers establish dynamic leaders that inspire great talent and strong teams. The entire time, I’ve also created incredible freedom, building a great life in beautiful Carbondale, CO with my husband and children.

How I did this is EXACTLY what you’ll learn through “CONVERSATIONS THAT CONVERT” a self-study training program.

Welcome to the


Training Program!

“Conversations that Convert” is a self-study “do at your own pace” training program where you’ll learn how to have a conversation with prospects that have different personalities about your opportunity so your prospects get the value and want to join your team.

Using this simple, yet incredibly-effective, feel-good method, I was able to build a top organization in Direct Sales and then a successful Coaching Business. 

People started noticing, and lining up to find out what I was doing differently. So, I decided to share what I’ve learned, a proven method that I have used and taught my team members to build large and engaged teams.

As a “Conversations that Convert” student, you will learn:

A simple personality assessment method. I also give you the ONE question to ask to identify their personality, and then how to design a conversation around what’s important to the person you are talking to.

This method has worked tremendously well for me over the last 27 years and my teams. It can definitely work for you too. As you get started you will instantly improve your team building skills. 

You will discover:

Using the “Conversations that Convert” method will increase the number of people who join your team, so you’ll have more people to play with and have more fun.

Being able to identify your new team member’s personality and what motivates them will help you; move up and promote yourself to the next level, so you can walk across stage at your next awards.

You feel more confident because you’ll deliver the right information for your prospect. You won’t be nervous about not knowing what to say.

You naturally ask someone to join your business without feeling icky and being salesy or pushy.

This method builds your communication skills and how to express value so that people take you and your business seriously and want to join your team.

The four DISC personality profiles so you can confidently have a conversation with future new team members.

The ONE question you can ask and how they will respond. This will give you so much valuable information and identify someone’s personality type.

Designing an effective conversation around your prospects personality type will result in a YES more often.

You feel great and more confident talking about your business, so you can stop being a secret agent in your business.

How different personalities make decisions, so you’ll be able to give your prospects what they need to make their decision.

What goals are important to each personality type so you can tailor your conversation to what’s important to your prospect.

How identifying your prospects strengths will make it easier for you to communicate what areas of the business they would excel at and have fun doing. When you help people see how they can be in their strengths and build a business they begin to be able to see themselves building that business.

As you build your teams you’ll be able to…

Understand the importance of balancing your team with different personalities so your team can be more effective.

Identify which team members are natural leaders, natural influencers, great support team, and who can track all the details, so you know where to place each new team member.

Lead from influence knowing what motivates each personality type on your team. When each person has their own business and it feels like you’re leading a group of volunteers this is a critical skill.

Create strong working team members and teams.

By the end of this training you will feel so much more confident and authentic having conversations about your opportunity and recruiting business builders.

When you ditch the sales scripts, have a real conversation about what’s important to your prospect, what their challenges and needs are, and how your opportunity can be a solution - your results will dramatically improve.

Then when you do it in a way that fits their personality and how they like to receive information you’ve hit a homerun! 

You will love this method because of its ease of learning and application. This is a simple method that you will find easy to learn and can use right away.



Here’s what’s included: 

You’ll receive access to a private membership page that will have all your training available to you so you can move through it at your own pace. 

You’ll have access to 4 training modules in Video and Audio:

MODULE 1 | Overview of DISC Personality type - You’ll learn the characteristics of each personality type

MODULE 2 | Why you want a balance of all the personalities on your team so they are effective and strong.

MODULE 3 | The one question you can ask to get a really good idea of what personality your prospect is and how to design your team building conversation.

MODULE 4 | Will walk you through what motivates each type, so that you know how to be a better leader and how to motivate the different personalities on your team.

Full Color Workbook that will take you through all the modules.

You’ll receive access to an exclusive Facebook group. This is a place you’ll be able to ask questions, get ideas and feedback. I’ll be personally checking the page so that if you have any questions you can tag me and I’ll coach you through it.


You’ll also receive my ONE PAGE CHEAT SHEET that you can take everywhere with you so you will have more confidence knowing you have the information you need at your fingertips.

Here is what you can expect after you have successfully completed the “CONVERSATIONS THAT CONVERT” Program:

If you are like most women I have worked with and still do, then you already have a lot on your plate. You’re building a business, taking care of your family, you may have another job and you’re juggling all the other priorities in your life.

The last thing you need is to take on something else right?

Well, that is an important question you want to ask yourself as you make a decision about joining “Conversations that Convert”. Here are a few things that will help you make your decision:

You have a dream and you know what it takes to build a network marketing/direct sales business. It takes courage and a desire to create a better life for yourself and your family. It also takes learning and mastering new skills. You know the work is so worth the result of freedom you will create for you and your family.

Here is what you can expect after you have successfully completed the “CONVERSATIONS THAT CONVERT” Program:

If you are like most women I have worked with and still do, then you already have a lot on your plate. You’re building a business, taking care of your family, you may have another job and you’re juggling all the other priorities in your life.

The last thing you need is to take on something else right?

Well, that is an important question you want to ask yourself as you make a decision about joining “Conversations that Convert”. Here are a few things that will help you make your decision:

You have a dream and you know what it takes to build a network marketing/direct sales business. It takes courage and a desire to create a better life for yourself and your family. It also takes learning and mastering new skills. You know the work is so worth the result of freedom you will create for you and your family.

When you use this method it instantly changes the perception of Network Marketing from something to avoid into an amazing opportunity.

Sharing information about your company with your prospect turns from a skeptical conversation to one where they are engaged and excited about what your opportunity offers them.

At the end of your conversation with your prospect they are ready to join your team and don’t put you off with a bunch of objections.

Having a conversation about your business will feel good and comfortable so you look forward to talking to more people about your business. 

You’ll be able to increase your income because you will be consistently bringing in new team members that want to build a business.

You’ll gain confidence in your recruiting abilities because you’ll be able to key in on what information is important to your prospect and how they want it delivered.

You’ll find it easier to recruit strong leaders onto your team who are ready to work and build a business.

You’ll feel relieved that you are actually moving up in position and making more money.

Your teams will be growing because you’ll know what your leaders are motivated by and how to keep them engaged and inspired.

So should YOU take part in this training? If you are already consistently recruiting 5 builders on your team every month and your teams are strong and working…then you probably don’t need this program. 

But, if you aren’t then I’m completely confident “Conversations that Convert” will make a POWERFUL difference in your results, even in the next month!

When you click on GET STARTED NOW you will get a welcome email within minutes. Then you will get a 2nd email soon after that will give you instant access to the training program so you can get started right away! 

You’ll also receive a link to join the exclusive Facebook page. You can access the training 24/7 and move through it at your own pace. If you have questions just hop on the Facebook page and ask your question. 

Again, if you're ready to consistently add great team members who want to build a business with you and lead strong working teams then:

I’m very excited to share this information with you and help you see a dramatic increase in your team building results. 

Much Love, 


PS: There’s NO RISK. Read below details of my personal guarantee. 

My Personal Action Takers Guarantee

If you go through all the training and put it into practice and you show us that you used it, and you feel like it’s not doing what you want it to, then we will absolutely refund your investment.

Meet Lauri

Lauri Rubinstein, BBA, PCC, has 27 years of sales training and leadership. She created a sales and leadership team from ground up generating a group, which reached a high sales level putting her team in the top 2% of a multibillion-dollar direct sales company. Upon retiring from this direct sales company in 2009, she founded Step Into Great, a business coaching company that helps entrepreneurs get to the next level of their company’s growth. Lauri helps her client’s find their unique Sales genius and develop a coach approach to their leadership. This approach helps Direct Sales and Network Marketers establish dynamic leaders that inspire great talent and strong teams. 

Lauri has a BBA in accounting from University of Texas at San Antonio. She has earned the Professional Coaching Credential (PCC), which is the second highest level of coaching credential established by the International Coach Federation (ICF) level of proficiency, which is held by only a small percentage of practicing coaches around the globe. She happily resides in Carbondale, CO with her husband and children.